Download the Free Worksheet

Download the Free Copperplate Calligraphy Worksheet

This free PDF is for artists of any age to start in a deliberate practice of the wonderfully written hand of Copperplate Calligraphy. It is modeled after hundreds of hours of individual practice and the study of proportions in type design.

Worksheets direct from home printer

Use your home printer to access the worksheets for as many hours of practice you need on your own timeframe. There are 10 pages and print on 8.5 x 11 lettersize paper.

Copperplate calligraphy alphabet and basic strokes

This lowercase worksheet includes 30° slant line on all pages for bringing your Copperplate calligraphy to life, a full page dedicated to helping you master the Copperplate calligraphy basic strokes.

Copperplate calligraphy for beginners

This free PDF worksheet is designed to share Copperplate for calligraphy beginners of any age or artistic background. It also includes a list of materials that would work best with practicing on this worksheet as well as a link to where to find them.

Hi, I'm Jenny!

I'm a professional graphic designer and educator who specializes in Typography, illustration, and motion. It was through my personal practice of practicing on pages of the same strokes that I developed a strong discipline in my creative work and I think it can help anyone who is looking to learn a new skill or have some meditative time away from a screen.

Download the Free Copperplate Calligraphy Worksheet

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